Date: February 16-17, 2025
Location: Lake Monowai, Fiordland National Park, Southland, New Zealand
Total Trip Distance: 25.61 mi / 41.2 km
Total Elevation Gain: 7,968 ft / 2,429 m
Trip Duration: 2 days
Team: Alex Catalfamo
Field Notes: Take the Green Lake trail until the col near Point 974. Head southwest through the trees until breaking out of bushline at 1,000 meters. Battle through scrub up the northeast aspect of Mount Cuthbert. From here, route finding is straightforward - follow the main ridge from Point 1430, over Rocky Top to Cleughearn Peak. There are many tarns perfect for camping. From Cleughearn Peak, head west towards Point 1453, eventually following the ridge all the way to Point 1315. At this final high point, travel east until an obvious orange marker indicates a trail that leads down to Rodger Inlet Hut. Follow the trail back to the car.
Rating: Tramping, off trail

Since Alex's arrival back in New Zealand, we have enjoyed some brilliant trips. Temple Peak and Mount Earnslaw were epic day trips in the Aspiring Region. Since most of my trips are focused in this area, Alex pitched the idea of heading out to Fiordland.
I had been eyeing this loop of Cleughearn Peak for over a year and the weather was cooperating, so we pulled the trigger and drove South.
We arrived at Lake Monowai on a beautiful summer day. The wind was blowing a gale in Otago but it was peaceful down here.

Our trip started by taking the notoriously muddy Green Lake trail. Thankfully, at least for trampers, it has been a dry summer and the trail was in great condition. It took us a few hours to reach the col near Point 974 where we would leave the trail.
I searched for the best option through the trees, which was fine until we broke out of the bush line. Funny enough, I thought the bush was behind us. Unfortunately (mainly for Alex as it was his first time experiencing New Zealand scrub bashing), it was pretty shit.
For the next hour we bashed through waist high scrub, fighting our way to the summit of Mount Cuthbert.
While Alex verbally assaulted the scrub, I spoke words of encouragement to him.
"I promise it will get better bro."
I had no idea what I was talking about. I had never been here before and had no idea what lay ahead.
Fortunately, it got better.

The views from the summit of Mount Cuthbert were unreal. A vast sea of remote and wild mountains lay before us just begging to be explored.
We dropped down off the summit and traveled past Point 1169. Our original intention was to camp at the big tarn below Point 1430, but we decided to change our plans. It made more sense to climb along the ridge, summit Rocky Top, and then drop a few meters to the small tarn below Cleughearn Peak.
We arrived at camp late, headlamps beaming.
After a sound sleep we woke to a spectacular sunrise with views of the ocean. Alex led us to the summit of Cleughearn Peak where we enjoyed breakfast. In the early hours of the day, you could already feel the strength of the sun so we continued on.
We spent the day rambling over the tops, stopping every twenty minutes to snap photographs. The views were insane. The type of views you only get in Fiordland. Rugged peaks exploding out of the earth, dense forests, small lakes and tarns everywhere.
There was a faint breeze in the air and not a soul in sight. How I would have loved to spend just another night out camped next to one of the many incredible alpine pools.
At our last high point (1315), we grabbed a bite to eat and refueled, preparing ourselves for the trek out. Alex swapped his shirt for a fresh one and we dropped into the bush.
The trail down to Rodger Inlet Hut was amazing - I couldn't believe it! It was nice to be out of the sun and surrounded by forest. We arrived at the hut eight hours into the day.
I took a cold plunge in the stream while Alex escaped the sun and chilled in the hut. After a solid break, it was time to commit to the walk out.
Now, for anyone reading this, I want to be very honest about what you can expect from the Rodger Inlet Track. It is an absolute mother fucker of a trail. Muddy, boggy, hard to follow, constant up and down, rough, scrubby, etc. Everything you don't want from a trail, this one has.

From the small tarn back below Cleughearn Peak to the car took us ten hours and forty-five minutes, moving quickly. We would say this trip was as physically challenging as Earnslaw, which we did in a day. We were also carrying super light packs as you can see in the photos. It ultimately boils down to terrain.
We were worked when we arrived back at the car. I would say this is one of the hardest trips I've done in a long time!
Being in remote Southern Fiordland on a Monday night, there were no places to eat. So we drove back towards Queenstown until eventually eating a Kebab at a very, very strange place in Lumsden. I won't go into details.
This trip was a Fiordland classic and I hope the photos do this one justice.
Happy days...