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Welcome To The Apogee

Apogee - the highest or most distant point; climax.

This website came about from the inspiration of wanting to share my adventures and to have a virtual journal of sorts to reflect on. Since my late teens, I've loved going on adventures and documenting them. As time has gone on, I've found my best trips came from reading trip reports and guidebooks from others. I would (and still do) spend hours researching possible routes and objectives. This fills me with a sense of wanderlust and a drive to keep exploring
wild places in nature. I wanted to combine a few interests with this blog - route beta, writing, and photography. If you find it useful and it inspires your next trip - than happy days.


This blog is not an attempt to be anything other than what it is - a virtual journal to share my adventures. I'm not here to win any awards or to gain a following. I'm not looking for sponsors or new subscribers. If that happens, let it be the byproduct because it provided value. I say this to be honest with my intentions. I simply wanted to create this, so I did.


How To Use This Site

I try my best to keep this site simple, organized, and user-friendly. You can find trips through the following ways:



Should you wish to contact me with questions, comments, or suggestions - you can do so here. I'd love to hear from you.


* Read the disclaimer before you use any information on this site.

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